
Immune Cells Can Be Trained to Target Cancer Tumors

Immunotherapies such as checkpoint inhibitor drugs have transformed cancer treatment. These drugs act on...

The Body’s Own Immune System Damages Teeth and Resins in Restorations

In the mouth, acids and stimulants from bacteria as well as neutrophils from the...

Mechanism Connecting Periodontitis With Other Inflammatory Diseases Uncovered

The link between periodontal disease and other inflammatory conditions such as heart disease and...

Simulated Efferocytosis May Promote Bone Regeneration

Owing to a rare genetic mutation, individuals with leukocyte adhesion deficiency type 1 (LAD1)...

Researchers Uncover Mechanism Behind Defense Against C Albicans

Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) proteins present on human epithelial cells, which line mucosal...

Unique White Blood Cells Indicate Onset of Inflammatory Diseases

Researchers at the University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry have discovered something about neutrophils,...

The Body’s Immune System May Contribute to Cavities and Failed Fillings

The body’s own defense system could be a major contributor to tooth decay and...

Location Matters in Resolving Periodontal Inflammation

The protein Del-1 not only curbs the initiation of inflammation in periodontitis and other...

Oral Inflammation Promotes OSCC Invasion

Oral inflammation stimulates oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) invasion, report researchers at the University...

Protein Blocks Bone Loss in Gum Disease

Bone loss is one of the most significant consequences of periodontitis. Yet researchers at...