
FDI Project to Focus on Workplace Health and Safety

To celebrate World Day for Health and Safety at Work on April 28, the...

Biomarker May Predict HPV-Related Oropharyngeal Cancer Outcomes

By analyzing variations in the level of human papillomavirus (HPV) in oropharyngeal cancers, researchers...

Grad Student Uncovers How Radiation Treatment Damages Salivary Glands

When used to treat head and neck cancer, radiation can damage salivary glands, sometimes...

Medication Prevents Severe Oral Mucositis in Cancer Patients

Many patients with head, neck, nasal, and oral cancers who are treated with radiation...

Strong MRI Exposure May Release Mercury from Amalgam

Exposure to ultra-high-strength MRI may release mercury from amalgam fillings in teeth, according to...

FDA Announces New Pediatric X-Ray Guidelines

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced new guidelines for pediatric X-rays. While...

Dentists Take More X-Rays Based on How They’re Paid

Dentists increase the number of X-rays that they take when they are paid for...

AAP Outlines Best Evidence Consensus for CBCT Usage

The American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) has published its first “best evidence consensus” (BEC)...

3-D Photography Could Provide More Accuracy with Less Radiation Than X-Rays

Orthodontists typically take multiple x-rays of the entire skull before, during, and after treatment....

Treatment May Eliminate Oral Cancer’s Resistance to Radiation

Radiation therapy is effective against many forms of cancer, though some cancer cells can...