Search for: dental practices

Michigan Bans Flavored Nicotine Vaping Products

Michigan is the first state to ban the sale of flavored nicotine vaping products....

Poor Oral Health Linked to Cognitive Decline

Oral health is essential to psychological well-being and overall oral health in older adults,...

There’s No Single Silver Bullet for Improving Oral and Systemic Health

Controversy in the dental profession regarding best practices is common. For example, topics such...

Athletes Inconsistently Use and Clean Their Mouthguards

As fall sports get underway, athletes need to stock up on safety gear. And...

PerioProtect2019 to Meet in St. Louis

PerioProtect will hold its annual meeting, PerioProtect2019, in St. Louis on October 4 and...

Laser-Assisted Techniques Increase Efficiency and Comfort

INTRODUCTION Patient emergency calls can add a lot of stress for the doctor and...

My Digital Dentistry Journey

Damon Adams, DDS, editor-in-chief of Dentistry Today, speaks with Gary Kaye, DDS, MS, about...

The Direct Bulk-Fill Restorative Option

INTRODUCTION For a long period of time, direct posterior composite restorations have enabled clinicians...

Ben Burris Indicted for Fraud And Bribery

The US Department of Justice announced the indictment of Dr. Benjamin Gray Burris, noted...

Game Teaches Healthcare Professionals How to Respond to Domestic Violence

The University of Sheffield has developed a board game that helps healthcare and social...