Industry News
Women With Tooth Loss Face Greater High Blood Pressure Risk
Postmenopausal women who have experienced tooth loss are at higher risk of developing high...
Industry News
Tooth Loss May Indicate Malnutrition in Older Adults
Older adults are at risk for both impaired oral health and malnutrition, according to...
Industry News
Heart Disease Risk Increases With Tooth Loss in Middle Age
The loss of two or more teeth in middle age is associated with an...
Industry News
Tooth Loss Impacts Musculoskeletal Frailty Over the Age of 50
Tooth loss may contribute to musculoskeletal frailty in people over the age of 50...
Todays Dental News
Anti-Inflammatory Diets Prevent Tooth Loss
Diet has a significant effect in the development of dental caries. Yet the role...
Industry News
Tooth Loss Linked to Dementia
As researchers continue to probe the links between oral and systemic health, Kyushu University...
Industry News
Tooth Loss Associated With Reduced Cognitive Function
As the numbers of people with Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive disabilities increase, scientists...
Todays Dental News
Diabetics Still Face a Greater Risk of Tooth Loss
There is a bidirectional relationship between diabetes and periodontitis: one can lead to the...
Clinical Update
Tooth Loss Linked to Slowing Mind and Body
The memory and walking speeds of adults who have lost all of their teeth...