
Price Increase Reduces Soft Drink Consumption

Sales of soft drinks at a hospital in Melbourne, Australia, dropped by more than...

Study Ranks the States With the Best and Worst Oral Health

As the healthcare debate continues across the country, access to oral care varies greatly—and...

New Taxes Won’t Dramatically Raise Sugary Beverage Prices

The nation went to the polls to choose our next President on Tuesday, yet...

World Health Organization Calls for Taxes on Sugary Drinks Worldwide

To stem rising rates of tooth decay as well as obesity and type 2...

Brits Blame Beverages for Bad Teeth Despite Inconsistent Care

The British reputation for poor oral hygiene may be exaggerated. But ask residents of...

Great Britain Imposes Sugar Levy on Soft-Drink Companies

Great Britain will impose a levy on soft-drink producers and importers based on the...

CDC Maps Out Sugary Beverage Consumption

Sweet beverages such as sodas and sports drinks account for a third of the...

AAO Ranks the Acid Levels in Popular Drinks

Soft drinks—even diet drinks, sports drinks, and fruit drinks that are low in sugar...

Sugar-Free Drinks Are Bad for Teeth Too

Everyone knows that soda and other sugary drinks are bad for teeth. But sugar-free...

Mountain Dew Causing Major Damage to Teeth in Appalachia

Appalachian people need to find a new drink of choice. The number of people...