primary teeth

Hard-Tissue Laser Applications: Optimizing Restorative Treatment

INTRODUCTION Dental phobia is a common occurrence in all patients. Adults may avoid dental...

Metabolic Cycles in Baby Teeth Linked to ADHD and Autism

Mount Sinai researchers have identified elemental signatures in baby teeth that are unique to...

Cash on Hand Determines What the Tooth Fairy Gives

Several circumstances determine how much the Tooth Fairy leaves under the pillow when children...

Study Establishes New Guidelines for Assessing Tooth Development

Children’s teeth don’t develop along the timeline once commonly used, according to researchers at...

Primary Teeth Reveal New Human Ancestor

Two primary teeth buried deep in a remote archaeological site in northeastern Siberia have...

SDF Programs Could Save Millions for Medicaid

Substituting silver diamine fluoride (SDF) for traditional restorative care in treating young children for...

Tooth Fairy Gifts Down 43 Cents in 2019

Times are tight, even for the Tooth Fairy. According to Delta Dental’s 2019 Original...

Children Have Positive Feelings About Losing Their Baby Teeth

The first lost baby tooth is an important milestone in every child’s life, and...

Anglo Saxon Teeth Provide Clues to Modern Pediatric Health

Evidence from the teeth of Anglo Saxon children could help identify modern children most...

Biomarkers in Baby Teeth Indicate Autism Potential

Using evidence found in baby teeth, researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at...