
Professional Groups Defend Flossing’s Effectiveness

Dentists have been advising their patients to floss for decades. However, the Associated Press...

Nanoparticles Break Up Plaque and Prevent Cavities

The decay-causing bacteria that live in dental plaque “hide” in a glue-like polymer scaffold....

Overcome the Barriers of Teaching Your Patients About Oral Hygiene

Most people think they know how to brush their teeth. Most don’t. Dentists understand...

Green Tea and Salvadora Persica Extracts Effectively Fight Plaque

People have been sipping green tea for thousands of years. Similarly, people have chewed...

“Cake Culture” Adds to Adult Tooth Decay

Sweet snacks can be one of the fun perks of office life, from morning...

Toothbrush and App Combine to Make Brushing Fun and Effective

Many kids don’t like brushing their teeth. But they love video games and Rabbids...

Tobacco Smoke Makes Oral Bacteria More Resilient

The mouth is home to more than 700 different bacteria species. Tobacco smoke, though,...

Desktop Device Diagnoses What Causes Bad Breath

Halitosis is no laughing matter. Bad breath can be the result of a range...

Protein Inhibitor Reduces Chronic Periodontitis

Dentists typically treat periodontitis with dental scaling and root planing to reduce plaque and...

Scalers Stay Sharp in a Comfortable Grip

Scalers are essential tools in every practice and have been since the dawn of...