
Aa Gets Along Better With Bacteria That Doesn’t Live in the Mouth

Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) fares better overall when it’s paired with bacteria and other microbes...

Taxes on Sugary Beverages Prove Effective in Reducing Consumption

A 10% tax on sugary drinks has cut their purchase and consumption by an...

Review Highlights Strategies for Reducing Sugary Beverage Consumption

Sugary drinks can cause tooth decay as well as systemic health issues like obesity,...

Taxes and Warning Labels Can Help Reduce Sugar Consumption

Taxes on sugary products and labels on the front of packages can help reduce...

Celebrate Gum Health Day 2019 on May 12

“Healthy gums, beautiful smile” is the slogan for Gum Health Day 2019, held worldwide...

FDS Calls for Dentists to Play a Greater Role in Detecting Systemic Disease

Dentists could play a greater role in detecting systemic illnesses, given the links between...

Rutgers Dental School to Begin Screening Patients for Diabetes

The Rutgers School of Dental Medicine in Newark, New Jersey, will screen patients for...

AAP and AHA Now Support Taxes on Sugary Beverages

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Heart Association (AHA) have announced...

Canadian Dietary Guidelines Link Sugar Consumption to Tooth Decay

Health Canada’s recently released Canada’s Dietary Guidelines for Health Professionals and Policy Makers aim...

Preventive Dental Care Linked With Fewer Emergency Room Visits

People with chronic health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease who received...