Search for: oral health care

Do Traditional Sealants Have a Place in the New, Super-Magnified World?

Traditional dental sealants, which have ostensibly become restorative dentistry’s most promoted preventive procedure, have...

The Eleven Essentials of Effective Staff Meetings, Part 2: Getting it Together in the Name of Customer Service

his article is part 2 of a 3-part series that describes the Essentials of...

How Bad Ads Can Undermine Good Practices: Get Your Message in Print Properly and New Patients Will Follow

“No Pain, No Gain!” the headline bellows. If the clichéd message in this ad...

Everyday Uses of Adult Orthodontics

Moving teeth has been a dental treatment modality for decades and was perhaps the...

Direct Composite Cavity Preparation Design and Finishing Using Carbide Burs

Cavity preparation designs for direct composite restorations are continually changing. These changes are due...

How Dentists Are Judged by Patients

In the 18 years I managed a dental practice, I never once heard a...

Steps to Redesign Smiles Using Current Technology and Materials

Figure 1. Preoperative maxillary labial view. Figure 2. Preoperative maxillary anterior radiographs. Figure 3....

Aesthetic Restoration of The Anterior Maxilla

The use of all-ceramic restorations has received considerable attention by enhancing the aesthetic aspects...

Creating Natural Gingival Profiles Using the Ovate Pontic Technique

The aesthetically acceptable replacement of natural teeth is dependent on a variety of factors....

Gloves in the Dental Office

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is designed to protect the skin and mucous membranes of...