Search for: oral health care

A Technique for Veneer Temporization

Porcelain veneers are a very conservative approach to changing the shape, shade, and contour...

A Case Study for the Predictable Reconstruction of the Hopeless Maxilla

Since the introduction of osseointegrated implants for the replacement of missing or lost teeth,...

Restoring the Dento-Gingival Complex, Part 2

Consideration of the relationship of the gingiva, tooth, and restoration is essential when creating...

Changes in Thought for Dental Hygienists

The practice of dental hygiene is ever-changing as the scientific community allocates more time...

Infection Control Practices for Dental Radiography

When taking dental radiographs, there is significant potential for cross-contamination of equipment and environmental...

Infection Control Practices for Dental Radiography

When taking dental radiographs, there is significant potential for cross-contamination of equipment and environmental...

Improving Your Practice’s Financial Performance

Many dentists believe that production is the ultimate measurement of their practice. While dentists...

Minimally Invasive Dentistry: Clinical Applications

Doctor, do I have to lose the tooth?” “Do I have to have a...

Regenerative Treatment of Severe Periodontitis in the Anterior Maxilla

Advanced periodontitis in the anterior maxilla may be associated with an unaesthetic smile. When...

Extraction Site Bone Grafting in General Dentistry Review of Applications and Principles

General dentists in the United States perform an estimated 23 million extractions every year.1...