Porphyromonas gingivalis

Periodontitis May Initiate Alzheimer’s Disease

Long-term exposure to Porphyromonas gingivalis causes inflammation and degeneration of brain neurons in mice...

Obesity Linked With Periodontitis

After infecting mice with Porphyromonas gingivalis and measuring the resulting inflammation, researchers with the...

Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil Has Antibacterial Effects on P Gingivalis

A study by a team of researchers in Shanghai investigated the antibacterial effects and...

Periodontitis Linked With Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Research from the Dental College of Georgia at Augusta University is linking chronic periodontitis...

Smoking and Obesity Combine to Exacerbate Periodontitis Risks

In the United States, more than 35% of adults are obese, 20% of adults...

Oral Bacteria May Interfere with Conception

Porphyromonas gingivalis, a bacterium associated with periodontal diseases, also may delay conception in young...

Northern Lichen May Fight Caries and Gum Disease

Researchers from Université Laval have isolated 6 compounds with antibacterial properties that may potentially...

Vaccine Could Inhibit Periodontitis

A vaccine that could reduce or eliminate the need for surgery and antibiotics for...

Tobacco Smoke Makes Oral Bacteria More Resilient

The mouth is home to more than 700 different bacteria species. Tobacco smoke, though,...

Pancreatic Cancer Risk Linked to Specific Oral Bacteria

Pancreatic cancer will kill more than 41,000 Americans this year, reports the Lustgarten Foundation,...