
Dental Organizations Take the Lead in Fighting the Opioid Crisis

While President Trump has declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency, the federal...

When Dentists Should Prescribe Opioids—and When They Shouldn’t

Every day, 90 people die in the United States from an overdose that involves...

Dentists Wrestle with Prescribing Opioids

Opioid abuse continues to dominate the national conversation. In 2015, 12.5 million people misused...

Collaboration Aims to Reduce Opioid Prescriptions After Extractions

With the support of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS), Pacira...

AAOMS Releases Opioid Prescription Guidelines

In response to the nationwide opioid epidemic, the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial...

Most Prescribed Opioid Pills Go Unused

In a review of half a dozen published studies in which patients self-reported use...

Providers Prescribe Fewer Opioids, Though Dangers Persist

The number of opioids prescribed in the United States peaked in the United States...

Course to Explore the Opioid Epidemic and Dentistry

Opioid abuse continues to spread, with more than 15,000 deaths from overdoses of prescription...

Drug Use Linked to Poor Oral Health

Dental patients with substance use disorders have more tooth decay and periodontal disease than...

Precision Medicine Overcomes Painful TMD Treatment

Temporomandibular disorder (TMD), one the most painful and difficult to treat disorders facing the...