Okayama University

Infrared Imaging Detects Dental Caries in Posterior Teeth

Optical coherence tomography (OCT), an imaging method based on infrared radiation, can be used...

Researchers Identify New Bacterial Suspects Behind Dental Caries

Streptococcus mutans typically gets the blame for producing most tooth decay. Using next-generation DNA...

Mechanical Stress Affects Normal Craniofacial Bone Development

The bone matrix includes both collagen and noncollagenous proteins produced by osteoblasts. During the...

Commensal Microbiota Enhance Bone Activity

The presence of commensal microbiota—benign microorganisms that reside in the body—enhances the activity of...

Commensal Flora Aid Periodontal Immunity

The presence of unharmful microorganisms known as commensal flora in the mouth may be...

Bruxism Linked With Periodontitis

Involuntary masseter muscle activity such as bruxism and jaw clenching may be linked to...

Missing Teeth Regenerated in Animal Model

Dental implants are now standard solutions for replacing teeth that are lost due to...