
Calcium Deficiency Due to ORAI1 Gene Mutation Damages Enamel

A mutation in the ORAI1 gene, studied in a human patient and mice, leads...

USC Identifies Genes Behind Jaw Development

Two related genes, Nr2f2 and Nr2f5, pattern the jaw of zebrafish by regulating the...

Researchers Identify Gene in Cleft Lip and Palate Development

Researchers at the University of Southern California (USC) have found that 3 siblings born...

Abnormal Salivary Glands Linked to Dental Problems in Cleft Lip and Palate Patients

Dental problems commonly associated with cleft lip and palate may be caused by abnormalities...

Genetic Mutations Associated with Salivary Gland Tumors

A recent discovery could pave the way for better treatment of oral cancer. The...

Lifestyle, Diet May Prevent Oral Cancer

New research shows something that should be obvious. A healthy diet and a healthy...

Newly Discovered Condition Adversely Impacts Teeth

A new, recessively inherited syndrome features extra teeth and delayed tooth eruption, among other...