
Researchers Chart Gentler Strategy for Treating Early Childhood Caries

The combination of a carb-heavy diet and poor oral hygiene can leave children with...

Researchers Uncover How Fungus Takes Hold in the Oral Cavity

By studying a rare disease known as APECED, researchers at the National Institute of...

$3 Million Grant to Continue Research into Oral Thrush

Oropharyngeal candidiasis, or oral thrush, continues to be a clinically significant problem for patients...

Microorganism Signals Combat Candida Albicans Infections

Candida albicans forms biofilms and causes mild to life-threatening infections. But fluconazole, an antifungal...

Nine Oral Fungi Species May Improve Dental Health

Researchers at the Clemson University College of Science have strongly associated nine species of fungus...

Researchers Uncover Mechanism Behind Defense Against C Albicans

Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) proteins present on human epithelial cells, which line mucosal...

C Albicans Grows on Trees as Well as in Your Mouth

Most people host the common yeast Candida albicans at some point in their lives,...

Drug-Filled, 3-D Printed Dentures Could Fight Off Infections

Nearly two-thirds of the people who wear dentures in the United States suffer frequent...

Bacteria Boost Antifungal Drug Resistance in Early Childhood Caries

In many cases, early childhood caries result from dental plaque that includes both bacteria...

Researchers Identify Mechanics Behind Oral Thrush Infections

An international team co-led by researchers at King’s College London and the University of...