
Developmental Defects Linked to Genes in Canine Enamel

Like human beings, dogs can suffer from enamel development hereditary disorders that greatly impact...

Dental Implant Research Involving Dogs Draws Controversy

Swedish animal rights group Djurrättsalliansen reports that six Labrador retrievers have been euthanized as...

Dogs De-Stress Dental Students

Spring is a stressful time of year for dental students as final exams and...

UC Davis Trains Dogs to Sniff Out Cancer

Someday, your new assistant may have 4 legs and wear a flea collar. Researchers...

Possible Treatment for Sensitive Teeth

A new material may be just what people with sensitive teeth need. A biomaterial...

Many Pets Have Problems with Periodontal Disease

Many pet owners are unaware of the one of the biggest health problems their...

Dogs’ Teeth Need Daily Brushing

Precaution is always better than cure. Especially when it comes to health problems may...