baby teeth

Lack of Fluoridated Water and High Sugar Intake Increase Tooth Decay Risk by 70%

Children with limited exposure to fluoridated water and a high sugar intake are 70%...

Los Angeles Launches Oral Health Education Campaign for Parents

As part of National Children’s Dental Health Month, the Los Angeles County Department of...

Survey Reveals What People Do With Their Kids’ Baby Teeth

When children lose their baby teeth, the “Tooth Fairy” takes them away. But what...

Metabolic Cycles in Baby Teeth Linked to ADHD and Autism

Mount Sinai researchers have identified elemental signatures in baby teeth that are unique to...

Lead Contamination Found in Baby Teeth

Airborne lead from recycled car batteries at the Exide plant in Vernon, California, was...

Children Have Positive Feelings About Losing Their Baby Teeth

The first lost baby tooth is an important milestone in every child’s life, and...

Stem Cells from Baby Teeth Spur Pulp Regrowth

Injuries to immature permanent teeth in childhood can hinder blood supply and root development,...

Biomarkers in Baby Teeth Indicate Autism Potential

Using evidence found in baby teeth, researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at...

Respect the Primary Teeth

The term baby teeth is indeed a misnomer. The truth is that they are...

Advances in Stem Cell Research Promise Dental Regeneration

The tooth fairy may have been on to something when she started collecting baby...