Search for: dental supply

Implantology 101

Knowing what is known today about implant dentistry, it is surprising to me that...

An Expedited Procedure for Augmenting the Alveolar Ridge

Loss of height and/or width of the alveolar ridge may result from a number...

Ten Commonly Asked Computer Questions…and Answers: Part 2

Last month I answered 5 of the 10 most commonly asked computer questions. This...

First Impressions: January 2007

In First Impressions, George Freedman, DDS, gives readers a brief summary of products that...

Aesthetic and Regenerative Oral Plastic Surgery: Clinical Applications in Tissue Engineering

Tissue engineering is defined as any attempt to facilitate regeneration of tissues in the...

Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw: Conclusions Based on an Analysis of Case Series

Oral complications of cancer chemotherapy have been recognized for many years. Candidiasis, mucositis, chemo-therapy-induced...

Oral Postsurgical Complication in Patient Taking Bisphosphonates

    The patient of a periodontist in private practice in New Orleans developed...

Top 100 2006

July 2006 Company A-Z A | B | C | D | E |...

Managing Variables in Radiographic Imaging for Implant Dentistry

One of the most critical components of implant dentistry is the radiographic image. While...

Fabrication of an Overdenture Covering a Torus Palatinus Using a Combination of Denture Base Materials: A Case Report

A torus palatinus (TP) is a benign exostosis of the hard palate along the...