
Treatment of White Spot Lesions With Resin Infiltration

INTRODUCTION Approaches to the management of dental caries have changed dramatically in the past...

COVID-19 Cracks Again

  INTRODUCTION It’s all over the news: Dentists are treating more cracked teeth since...

Restorative Aesthetics at the Gingiva

AESTHETIC DILEMMA OF THE GINGIVAL MARGIN The data is clear: Porcelain and composite resin...

The Indirect Resin Nano-Ceramic Restoration

INTRODUCTION According to Dr. Gordon Christensen, direct Class II composite restorations with B-L widths...

Composite, Enamel, and Doctor Time: Too Precious to Waste

INTRODUCTION In these times, practicing efficiently is critical. We need the tools necessary to...

The Use of Thermo-Viscous Bulk-Fill Composite Resin to Restore Posterior Teeth: Clinical Cases Report

INTRODUCTION Restorations in the posterior are usually performed because of tooth decay, tooth fractures,...

Repair or Partial Replacement of LS2-Bonded Onlays

Partial-coverage, supragingival bonded onlays are restorations that are more minimally invasive and healthier for...

SDF Saturation of Carious Proximal Tooth Surfaces

INTRODUCTION The delivery of 38% silver diammine fluoride (SDF) solution to caries lesions on...

Unique Treatment for Missing Lateral Incisors

Anodontia, the hereditary absence of primary or permanent teeth, is present in approximately 2%...

Solving a True Aesthetic Dilemma: A Case Report

Here’s a case I’m very proud of.” That’s the statement I use to introduce...