tooth decay

ADA NSW Supports National Tax on Sugary Beverages

The Australian Dental Association’s New South Wales (ADA NSW) chapter said it supports the...

AAP Urges Pediatricians to Address Oral Health Among Native American Children

Native American and Canadian Indigenous children are experiencing a health crisis of dental disease,...

Oral Health Plays a Role in Migraines and Headaches

As June marks National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, said that oral health...

Soft-Drink Ads Target the Cognitively Vulnerable

People who have an automatic bias toward soft drinks or difficulty in resisting sweet...

The Public Doesn’t Know Much About Dental Caries

The general public doesn’t know very much about dental caries, according to a survey...

ACFF Issues Consensus Report for Achieving a Cavity-Free Future

The Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future (ACFF) has published A Global Consensus for Achieving...

Task Force Recommends Fluoride Varnish for All Young Children

The US Preventive Services Task Force has posted a draft recommendation statement on screening...

Penn Dental Gives Kids a Smile in April

Penn Dental Medicine provided free dental care to children in April as part of...

Better Access to Dental Care Could Help Fight COPD

Oral health in Brazil needs better promotion and more accessible public dental services before...

10.7% of Three-Year-Old Children in England Have Tooth Decay

A dental survey of three-year-olds in England has revealed drastic inequalities, according to the...