Oral health

Link Exists Between Anemia and Gum Disease

People with serious gum disease may develop anemia. That’s because of the reduction in...

Australians Don’t Visit Dentists as Often as They Should

Close to half of all Australians don’t visit the dentist regularly. This new report...

Oral Health Needs Improvement in Jamaica

Jamaica can be added to the list of countries that struggles with oral health....

Substance-Dependent People See Oral Health Suffer

Oral health problems are a major concern for people who are substance dependent. A...

Septodont Donates to Provide Dental Care to the Underserved

(Charlotte, NC – April 13, 2011)  With a considerable product donation totaling over $75,000...

Arkansas Needs More Dentists

If you’re a dentist looking for more patients, move to Arkansas. Arkansas is among...

County in the United Kingdom Lags in Dental Visits

Despite modern-day information, not everyone realizes the importance of maintaining good oral health. According...

Tooth Loss Could Increase Risk of Stroke

A new study by researchers at Hiroshima University in Japan ties tooth loss with...

Second-hand Smoke Could be Related to Cavities

A new study indicates that second-hand smoke may have an effect on cavities. People...

Hygienists Open Business, Save Canadians Money

Dental hygienists in Alberta are trying to make the best of a bad economy....