
Dentists Get Involved in Chocolate Milk Debate

Chocolate milk may not be as healthy as you think. Nutrition experts and healthy...

Home Oral Care First Line in Battle Against Cavities, Gum Disease

Disease prevention should be the prime focus of individuals eager to enjoy a lifetime...

Healthy Gums May Lead to Healthy Lungs

Maintaining periodontal health may contribute to a healthy respiratory system, according to research published...

Tongue Piercings Worse With Metal

While metal tongue studs may have more flash than piercings made of plastic, a...

Tooth Loss Linked To Dementia

Chief Executive of the British Dental Health Foundation, Dr. Nigel Carter, has expressed major...

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Plus Aspirin Reduce Chances of Gum Disease

Disease of the gums and supporting tissue, known to dentists as periodontitis, is a...

Kangaroos Undergo Innovative Dental Treatment In Israel

Israeli veterinarians have developed a life-saving medicine for use on kangaroos’ teeth, curing the...

Medicines and Drugs that can Destroy Your Teeth

There are some medications, such as the antibiotics tetracycline, that may result in internal...

Expecting? Don’t Neglect Your Teeth

Even though most people are aware that good oral health is essential for the...

Dental Sealants: A Cost Effective Approach to Sealing Out Tooth Decay

Tooth decay affects more than one quarter of children ages 2 to 5, half...