Industry News
AGD Urges Its Members to Donate Surplus PPE
The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) is urging its members to donate extra personal...
Industry News
UNC Taps Teledentistry to Provide Virtual Care
North Carolinians now have access to virtual dental services during the COVID-19 outbreak through...
Editor's Page
Coronavirus! Putting the Outbreak in a Different Perspective
As we arrive once again at Oral Cancer Awareness Month, COVID-19 has been absolutely...
Industry News
CDA Encourages Dentists to Volunteer on the Frontlines
As healthcare providers are overwhelmed by the growing number of COVID-19 cases, the California...
Industry News
Joint Commission Engages With Government in Managing PPE Shortages
The Joint Commission says that it is aware of the shortages of personal protection equipment...
Industry News
DSO Shares Essential-Treatment and Infection Control Guidelines Online
As COVID-19 continues to spread, North American Dental Group (NADG) has partnered with the...
Todays Dental News
ADA Says Non-Emergency Treatment Should Be Postponed
The ADA is calling upon dentists nationwide to postpone elective procedures and restrict treatment...