Search for: COVID-19 pandemic

How to Create a Resilient Practice During Tough Times

More than ever, dentists are wondering what they can do during this downtime. Now...

Dental Groups Ask Governments to Ensure PPE Supply

Though most dental practices have stopped routine care, emergency treatment continues around the world....

BDA Reports Most Practices Near Financial Collapse

Many dental practices in the United Kingdom are at risk of imminent collapse without...

How to Market Your Practice and Keep Your Patients During the Epidemic

We recognize that most practices are taking the ADA’s recommendation and closing their doors...

Grant Funds Development of Antimicrobial Nanoparticles for PPE

Nobio Ltd has received a $205,000 grant from the Israel Innovation Authority to develop and manufacture...

Courage Versus Fear in Dentistry and Beyond

Due to the coronavirus panic early in March, my weekend plans for an anniversary...

Delta Dental of Iowa Foundation Makes Emergency Relief Grants Available

The Delta Dental of Iowa Foundation has committed $500,000 to its COVID-19 Nonprofit Emergency Operating...

Dental Professionals Eligible to Join California Health Corps

California is preparing for an increase in the number of people who urgently need...

Coping With the Coronavirus

We spoke with Dr. John Molinari, PhD, The Dental Advisor’s educator and consultant in...

ADA Extends Closure Recommendation Through April 30

As the rate of COVID-19 transmissions is rising in most states, the ADA now...