category: 2022 CE Leaders

Wilkerson, DeWitt C.

Dr. Wilkerson graduated from the University of Florida College of Dentistry in 1982, the same...

West, John D.

Dr. West received his DDS from the University of Washington, where he is an...

Ward, Daniel H.

Dr. Ward maintains a private practice in Columbus, Ohio, and served as assistant clinical professor...

Wadsworth, Lisa C.

Ms. Wadsworth owns Lisa C. Wadsworth, Inc, a company focused on consulting and personal...

Valachi, Bethany

Dr. Valachi is author of the book, Practice Dentistry Pain-Free, a clinical instructor of ergonomics...

Trope, Martin

Dr. Trope received his BDS degree in dentistry in 1976 in Johannesburg, South Africa....

Terry, Douglas A.

Dr. Terry presently holds positions as an adjunct professor in the department of restorative...

Tanaka, Terry T.

Dr. Tanaka is a clinical professor in graduate prosthodontics at the University of Southern...

Strupp, Jr, William C.

Dr. Strupp is a full-time practicing clinician and an international speaker acclaimed for his...

Stewart, Hal R.

Dr. Hal Stewart graduated from Baylor College (1989) and studied at the Pankey Institute...