Dental screenings Required for Kentucky School Children


There is a law on the books in Kentucky that requires parents or guardians to take their children to the dentist…and show proof of the visit. It’s legislation that lawmakers and health experts say will improve the health and lives of Kentucky’s adults and children.

"Dental disease is a significant problem in Kentucky for adults and for children. We hear in the news periodically children that die from dental infections. Adults have serious problems from dental and gum problems. It can cause pregnant women to have spontaneous abortions or premature labor," according to Dr. Ann Greenwell, a University of Louisville pediatric dentist. "This screening is an effort that the legislature has made to help nip it in the bud if you will so that we can be looking at the children as they enter school to address these problems that are coming up."

The University of Louisville will be holding free screenings for children to comply with the back-to-school requirements.