Science and Medicine

Research Reveals Exactly How the Human Brain Adapts to Injury

“The human brain has a remarkable ability to adapt to various types of trauma,...

Few Americans Have Healthy Hearts

3 percent of Americans have optimal heart health, while 10 percent have poor heart...

Whale Possessed Distinctly Human-Like Voice

Researchers have been able to show by acoustic analysis that whales—or at least one...

Part of Brain That Controls Movement Impacts Overeating

“The same brain area we tested here is active when obese people see foods...

Smoking Snuffs Out ‘Good’ Cholesterol

Smoking is a major risk factor for heart disease, contributing to more than one-third...

Survey Says Child Inactivity is Top Health Risk

Lack of exercise is No. 1 in a top 10 list of health concerns...

Diabetes More Deadly for Normal-Weight Adults

American adults of normal weight with new-onset diabetes are more likely to die than...

New Risk Factors for Chronic Skin Cancer

It’s not something at the moment we can cure. It’s something that we need...

Immune Suppressants Relieve Severe Asthma

Five to 10 percent of patients with asthma have disease that can be classified...

Concussions Affect College Players at High Rates Too

Concussion rates and prevention strategies at all levels continues to grow, one population that...