Faculty of General Dental Practice UK

NHS England Removes Wrong-Site Tooth Extractions from List of Never Events

National Health Service (NHS) England has removed wrong-site tooth extractions from its list of...

Collaboration Launches Online Fallow Time Calculator

Dental practices that need to figure out how long they should wait between treating...

X-Ray Safety Guidelines Get Updated in Second Edition

The second edition of Guidance Notes for Dental Practitioners on the Safe Use of...

Fallow Periods Recommended Only for Highest-Risk Procedures

The Faculty of General Dental Practice UK (FGDP(UK)) and College of General Dentistry (CGDent)...

Dental Groups Celebrate World Antibiotic Awareness Week

Dental groups in the United Kingdom are teaming up to celebrate World Antibiotic Awareness...

Partnership Launches Campaign Against Erosive Tooth Wear

The King’s College London Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences is joining with...

FGDP(UK) Publishes Standards in Dentistry, Second Edition

The Faculty of General Dental Practice (UK) (FGDP(UK)) has published the second edition of...

FGDP(UK) Endorses Antibiotic Prophylaxis Guidelines

The Faculty of General Dental Practice UK (FGDP(UK)) has endorsed new advice for dentists...

Guidelines for Patients With Dementia Now Available

The Faculty of General Dental Practice UK (FGDP(UK)) has made its guidelines for treating...