
Dentistry Today’s 2011 SWEEPSTAKES!!!

Dentistry Today’s 2011 SWEEPSTAKES!!! Enter to Win a FREE iPad from November 28th until...

Breakthrough TV Series to Show Dental and Medical Systemic Connection

KSS Productions is currently in predevelopment of Extreme Faces, Miracle Cases, a first-of-its-kind television...

North Carolina Launches Head Start Dental Home Initiative

The North Carolina Head Start-State Collaboration Office and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry...

Preventative Dental Care, Daily Toothbrushing Are Keys to Healthy Pet

When it comes to pet dental care, two Kansas State University veterinarians hope that...

Eco-Dentistry Association Announces Products that Reach Accepted Status

Launch of EDA Accepted Seal for Environmentally Friendly Products and Services Announced at EDA’s...

Oral Health America’s Board of Directors Elects New Officers

November 5, 2010, Chicago, IL— Oral Health America’s Board of Directors recently elected three...

Home Teeth Whitening Can Cause Permanent Damage

Self-treatments using baking soda, ash and hydrogen peroxide, many of which are detailed online...

The Pankey Institute Welcomes Dr. James C. Kessler, Chairman of Edu.

On October 1, 2010, Dr. James C. Kessler, previous Chair of the Division of...

Male Sex Hormones Blamed for Higher Risk of Gum Infection

Researchers at the University of Maryland Dental School propose that sex hormones could possibly...