CT scans

Researchers Map Out Root Canal Changes Along Its Entire Length

Researchers at RUDN University in Moscow have classified various changes in root canal shapes...

Artificial Intelligence Automatically Locates Mandibular Canals

Dentists need to know the exact location of the mandibular canal, where the alveolar...

Anglo Saxon Teeth Provide Clues to Modern Pediatric Health

Evidence from the teeth of Anglo Saxon children could help identify modern children most...

Biting and Chewing Cause Adult Teeth to Emerge

Children lose their baby teeth as their adult teeth begin to emerge, though long-standing...

Focus On: Endodontics

L. Stephen Buchanan, DDS, talks about the exciting impact 3-D printing will have on...

Alveolar Nerve Measured for Safer Prosthetic Procedures

Dentists typically treat edentulous patients via a complete implant-supported prosthetic with distal extension. The...