Search for: dental industry

New Directions in Dentistry

Based on my activities with Clinical Research Associates as senior consul-tant, my educational projects...

Athletic Mouthguards: Indications, Types, and Benefits

More than 5 million teeth are avulsed each year due to sports injuries and...

You Are What You Write

Does your documentation reflect what you really do? It has been said many times,...

Metal-Free Dentistry: Restoration of Congenitally Missing Lateral Incisors

Dentistry has changed. Patients no longer come to the office for traditional, “drilling, filling,...

Engaging Your Disability Insurance Company

That you never learned in dental school was what to do if disability struck...

The Digital Diagnosis: A Business Plan for Turning Technology Into Smiles

Yikes! How will I ever be able to tell Mrs. Jones that I’ll have...

The Role of Fashion in Aesthetic Dentistry

Any cosmetic industry, by its very nature and definition, is fashion-based. As in any...

Designing Computer Systems From the Ground Up

Most of us add computer technology in measured, deliberate steps, nudged and nurtured along...

Contemporary Quadrant Restoration Using Current Crown and Bridge Materials and Techniques

I have a very good friend, also an excellent dentist, who hasn’t changed the...

Using Polyvinyl Impressions for Study Models: A Case Report

While alginate is a good impression material, utilization can demand ideal, sometimes restricting conditions...