
Intentionally Being Better

OWNING A PRIVATE PRACTICE: MY FIRST WEEK On my first day of practice ownership,...

Nutritional Status and Corpus Deterioratum

NUTRITIONAL STATUS The overlooked (or possibly ignored?) understanding is that whatever happens invasively and...

Managing Our Patients in the Information Age

The field of dentistry continues to change at an exponential rate. From the introduction...

The Mobile Implant Practitioner

When my colleagues ask me where my practice is, and I tell them that...

The New Standard?

The New Standard? This decade will most likely bring another great shift in how...

Medical Consultations for Dental Patients in 2014

Due to the rising number of dental patients with increasingly more complex medical histories,...

Embezzlement Cases: Who is Responsible?

While browsing the Web under “embezzlement cases in dentistry,” I came across the following:...

Dentist to Physician Patient Advocacy for Health’s Sake

INTRODUCTION An advocate is “one who speaks, pleads, or argues in favor of.” Every...

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

“Money won’t create success; the freedom to make it will.”— Nelson Mandela Who Wants...

Electronic Health Records: Who’s Running the Asylum?

There is no question that dentistry is on the cusp of an electronic health...