aerosol generating procedures

Suction Significantly Reduces Aerosol Risks in Open Clinic Settings

Suction substantially decreases contamination in open clinic settings, according to Newcastle University, which has...

Helmet Contains Cough Droplets During Dental Procedures

Researchers at Cornell University have designed an open-faced helmet that patients can wear to...

Collaboration Launches Online Fallow Time Calculator

Dental practices that need to figure out how long they should wait between treating...

Patients Miss 14.5 Million Dental Appointments in England

The British Dental Association (BDA) has warned that dentists face an uphill struggle to...

Fallow Periods Recommended Only for Highest-Risk Procedures

The Faculty of General Dental Practice UK (FGDP(UK)) and College of General Dentistry (CGDent)...

England’s Chief Dentist Releases Guidance for Fallow Time Following AGPs

England’s Chief Dental Officer Sara Hurley has released guidelines for how much fallow time...

CDC Updates N95 and Eyewear Guidelines for Dental Practices

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have updated their Guidance for Dental...

WHO Continues Recommendations for Restricting Non-Essential Dental Care

In its latest recommendations, the World Health Organization (WHO) advises that routine non-essential oral...

Study to Examine COVID-19 Infection Rates Among Dentists

Researchers with the McGill University Faculty of Dentistry will conduct a long-term study of...

Dentists Report They Aren’t Confident in Their Infection Control

Many dentists feel a significant lack of confidence in their ability to implement necessary...