Search for: hygienists

Hygiene Time-Saving Tips

Time is the one thing that is equal in all of humanity. How one...

Professional Standards, Personal Responsibility

One of the best parts of being a hygienist in a dental practice is...

Trends in Dental Hygiene: Shaping the Way Dental Practitioners Do Business

Wouldn’t it be great if you had a crystal ball and could foresee the...

The Hygiene Department From the Doctor’s Perspective

During over 35 years of practicing dentistry and consulting with dentists and dental practices,...

Stand and Deliver: Fast Track Your Staff to Accountability and Exceptional Performance

Who’s bringing the bagels tomorrow? In the vast majority of practices we observe, this...

Occlusion and Hygiene

Beauty is only skin deep, but function goes to the core! As hygienists, we...

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) became law in 1996. The purpose...

A New Guide to Nonsurgical Management of Periodontal Disease

The recent advances and surprising popularity of today’s new dental treatments are making this...

Thriving in a Tough Economy

Many dental offices around the country are experiencing slowdowns. In some cases patients are...

Save a Life in 3 Minutes

How often have you wondered what you could do to contribute to the lives...