Search for: digital dental treatment planning

Missed Opportunities: Patients Lost to Lack of Understanding and Marketing

You are seeing a patient who has been in your practice for years. Her...

High-Quality Panoramic Radiographs: Tips and Tricks

The overall quality of panoramic radiographs can be greatly improved when particular attention is...

Clinical Dentistry and the Internet: A Marriage Made in Heaven?

There are few practices today that are running without the assistance of at least...

Accidents Happen

One of the most challenging tasks for the astute clinician is creating predictably aesthetic...

Managing the Large Diastema With Porcelain Veneers

There are a myriad of aesthetic problems that the clinician will face in the...

Endodontic Diagnosis

Dentists are trained to thoroughly review medical and dental histories and perform comprehensive extra-oral...

A Three-Point-Translation Technique for Root Coverage With 4-Year Follow-up

Localized and generalized gingival recession frequently occurs in patients with incipient as well as...

The Science of Color and Shade Selection in Aesthetic Dentistry

To effectively overcome the challenges associated with accurate shade selection in aesthetic restorative dentistry,...

A Missing Front Tooth

Today’s standards for natural-looking anterior dental prostheses that are stable and aesthetic are high....

A New View for Restorative Dentistry: Endoscopic Intraoral Viewing System

The term endoscopy is derived from the Greek language and is literally translated as...