Search for: chronic infection

Oral-Body Inflammatory Connection

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and periodontal disease are among the most prevalent conditions affecting adults...

Antibiotics and Dentin Biofilm Growth

Researchers in many disciplines of dentistry and medicine are studying the role of biofilms...

The Standard of Care for Nonsurgical Periodontal Treatment for Reducing the Dental Risk for Cardiac Disease

It has been estimated that as many as 60 million consumers in the United...

Physician Referrals and the New Dental Medicine

The winds of change are blowing across the face of medicine and dentistry. They...

The Oral/Systemic Link and the Effect of Patient Compliance: A Review

The oral/systemic connection has become the most overwhelmingly published topic in the dental literature...

Life-Threatening Sequela of Sodium Hypochlorite Extrusion Reported

The use of sodium hypochlorite as an irrigant solution during endodontic treatment is generally...

Vaccine Reduces Incidence of HBV

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a bloodborne and sexually transmitted virus. Rates of new...

How to “Un-Muddy” the Waters in the Dental Hygiene Department

“Muddy waters” is what I refer to as the real condition that exists in...

Diabetes and Oral Health

Approximately 17 million people in the United States suffer from diabetes mellitus, and more...

Hepatitis C Virus and Dental Personnel

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a member of the flavivirus family and is...