Search for: digital dental lab

A Three-Point-Translation Technique for Root Coverage With 4-Year Follow-up

Localized and generalized gingival recession frequently occurs in patients with incipient as well as...

Limited and Phased Treatment of Worn Anterior Teeth

It is common for patients with worn anterior teeth to decide that they want...

The Science of Color and Shade Selection in Aesthetic Dentistry

To effectively overcome the challenges associated with accurate shade selection in aesthetic restorative dentistry,...

A Missing Front Tooth

Today’s standards for natural-looking anterior dental prostheses that are stable and aesthetic are high....

The Road to Paperless Dentistry

Because good imaging software is so easy to use, our clinical assistant does routine...

Computerized Shade Selection and the Complex Class IV Composite

The cosmetic revolution of modern dentistry has seen vast improvements in aesthetic materials and...

Top Ten Systems for Taking the Stress Out of Endodontics

An organized, systematic approach is important in all phases of dentistry, but it is...

A New View for Restorative Dentistry: Endoscopic Intraoral Viewing System

The term endoscopy is derived from the Greek language and is literally translated as...

Laser Periodontal Therapy for Bone Regeneration

Free running (FR)1 pulsed Nd:YAG lasers have been used safely and effectively in the...

What Does the Doctor Want?

Here you are, in a new position, new office, new surroundings, and a seemingly...