
Save Lives With Simple Oral Cancer Screenings

According to the World Health Organization, there are more than 529,000 new cases of...

Hawaii Leads Nation in Pediatric Tooth Decay

While pediatric tooth decay appears to be reaching epidemic proportions across the United States,...

Cochrane Review Calls “Drill and Fill” Ineffective

The “drill and fill” approach to combating poor oral health in children no longer...

Dentists Pull 179,000 Teeth from Kids in England

The pediatric tooth decay crisis continues in England, as the British Dental Association (BDA)...

Infection Control Conference Scheduled for San Diego

The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) will present its 2016 Annual Conference...

Dental Hygienists Support Systemic Health Screenings

Current research points to significant links between oral health and systemic conditions like heart...

Cancer Patients Require Managed Oral Healthcare

Approximately every 3 minutes, someone in the United States is diagnosed with cancer. Oral...

Oral Cancer Awareness Gains Momentum After Global Forum

Stakeholders from more than 30 countries gathered at New York University’s Kimmel Center to...

Gum Disease Rates Ranked State by State

February is Gum Disease Awareness Month, according to the Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry...

Pediatricians seek collaboration after new task force recommendation on fluoride varnish

In support of the development of practice partnerships with pediatricians, the ADA Council on...