Search for: dental supply

Pest Control for Your Computers

You’ve heard and read about computer viruses until you’re sick of the word virus....

A Review of the ADA Mercury Hygiene Recommendations

More than a decade ago, the ADA established recommendations for appropriate mercury hygiene within...

High-Quality Panoramic Radiographs: Tips and Tricks

The overall quality of panoramic radiographs can be greatly improved when particular attention is...

SensiStat: A New Saliva-Based Composition for Simple and Effective Treatment of Dentinal Sensitivity Pain

It has been estimated that approximately 30 million American adults suffer from short, sharp,...

Clinical Dentistry and the Internet: A Marriage Made in Heaven?

There are few practices today that are running without the assistance of at least...

Surgical Crown Lengthening for Enhanced Clinical Success

Teeth needing restoration should have all caries removed. When this is accomplished, adequate supragingival...

Endodontic Diagnosis

Dentists are trained to thoroughly review medical and dental histories and perform comprehensive extra-oral...

A Three-Point-Translation Technique for Root Coverage With 4-Year Follow-up

Localized and generalized gingival recession frequently occurs in patients with incipient as well as...

Maxillary Sinus Elevation Surgery

The restoration of the edentulous posterior maxilla using dental implants presents distinctive challenges. The...

Benefits of the Dual-Arch Impression Technique: Accurate Impressions and Fewer Than 1% Remakes

The dual-arch or double-arch impression technique is extremely accurate and a viable alternative to...