
Innovative Bone Adhesive for Dental and Cranial Applications Secures Key Patent

The United States Patent and Trademark Office recently issued patent 12,178,937, entitled “Compositions and...

RevBio Awarded a $2 Million Follow-On NIH Grant to Reduce Opioid Use and Addiction with TETRANITE

RevBio announced that it has received a grant from the National Institutes of Health...

RevBio Receives FDA Approval to Conduct its Second U.S.-Based Clinical Trial for Dental Implant Stabilization

RevBio announced that it has received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration...

RevBio is Awarded a $2 Million Grant

RevBio, Inc., announced that it has been awarded a $2 million Phase II Small...

RevBio Receives a Strategic Investment from Pacific Dental Services to Support Ongoing Clinical Trials in Implant Dentistry

RevBio announced that it has received a strategic investment from Pacific Dental Services (PDS)...