Boring Basics The Magic Potion for Success
Professional athletes know it. Airline pilots practice it daily. Religions have thrived for centuries...
Dentistry for Sale What Makes a Patient Buy Into a Treatment Plan?
Nothing produces a quickened pulse like making a proposal. Whether you’re proposing marriage, a...
Soft-Tissue Root Coverage: Clinical Rationale and Case Report
Although tissue grafting for root coverage is not a new concept,1 periodontal plastic surgery...
Mandibular Overdentures Retained With Porous-Surfaced Implants
Construction of conventional mandibular dentures can be a frustrating restorative procedure for dentists to...
New Study: The Value of Emotional Intelligence in Dentistry
A middle-aged man peers into the mirror. His mouth looks and feels wrong. His...
Simplified Fixed Implant Prosthetics
This article discusses a “simplified fixed implant prosthetics” (SFIP) protocol that offers the entire...
How to Build Your Dream Practice, Part 1 The First Steps
We go to great lengths to try and build our practices. We invest a...
Oral Medicine
Sinusitis As a Source of Dental Pain
Figure 1. Sagittal view of the maxillary sinus showing the proximity of the roots...
Orthodontics as a Prerequisite to Implant Placement
For years, the sole goal of dental implantology was to replace missing teeth. Replacing...
Predictable Soft-Tissue Management with Radiosurgery
One type of surgical intervention that was used in the 1960s, had...