Search for: clinical protocols

Shaping for Success…Everything Old Is New Again

The differences in opinion are enormous regarding the best methods for shaping root canals...

Developing Optimal Tissue Profiles With Implant-Level Provisional Restorations

Developing ideal papillae and sulcular levels surrounding multiple adjacent implants presents the ultimate aesthetic...

Mini Dental Implants: Immediate Gratification for Patient and Provider

As we enter the 21st century, minimally invasive devices and procedures are becoming the...

Comparison of Triazolam and Zaleplon for Sedation of Dental Patients

Dental patient anxiety can hinder, delay, or prevent treatment. An anxious patient can be...

Using Latest Generation Technologies and Techniques for Efficient, Multidiscipline Dental Procedures

Patients today place ever greater de-mands on dentists for superb dental care but want...

Retaining and Stabilizing Dentures With Narrow-Bodied Implants

With the average American living longer, having more disposable in-come, and seeking better healthcare,...

Tooth Extraction, Immediate Replacement and Loading of an Implant

Primary treatment options for replacement of a single missing tooth are a fixed partial...

Treatment Planning for Dental Implants: A Rationale for Decision Making Part 1: Total Edentulism

With the introduction of endosseous implants by Brnemark in 1969,1 dental patients have the...

A Placement Technique for Creating Ideal Contours and Aesthetics for Adjacent Multisurface Posterior Composites

Advances in adhesive dental material science have led to the availability of a variety...

The Digital Diagnosis: A Business Plan for Turning Technology Into Smiles

Yikes! How will I ever be able to tell Mrs. Jones that I’ll have...