Search for: dental practices

The Common Sense Philosophy of Patient Retention How to Transform quantities of Patients Into Quality Patients

At a recent dental office managers meeting, we had just finished sharing several “success...

Traumatic Injuries of the Teeth Current Treatment Modalities

Dentists  see patients who have been involved in accidents, sports in-juries, or other incidents...

A Businesslike Examination of Overhead Utilizing CPA-Style Tools to Improve the DDS Bottom Line

How would a businessman handle the overhead expenses in a dental office? Would he...

Optimizing Infant and Toddler Oral Health The Importance of Early Intervention

What is the appropriate age for a child’s first dental visit? Parents attempting to...

Tooth Surface Loss The Least Treated Condition?

Would you agree that the results of bruxism, attrition, or erosion can be seen...

Managing Your Practice Through Team Accountability

Fantastic! Unbelievable! Amazing! At least that’s what you were thinking when you purchased and...

The Future of Periodontal Diagnostic Testing

Traditionally, periodontal disease has been diagnosed by a radiographic and clinical examination including the...

Making a Difference by Making Someone’s Smile

Today is an exciting and rewarding time to practice dentistry. Unlike ever before, patient...

The Indisputable Missing Link: What’s Not in Your Computer Management System

Against an impressive backdrop of computer hardware and software designed to support virtually every...

Tablet PCs: The Future of Computing?

In previous articles in Dentistry Today (August and November, 2002), I examined the advantages...