Search for: dental practices

Improving Visual Communications in Aesthetic and Restorative Dentistry: Tips for Successfully Applying Digital Imaging in Your Practice

I have been a practicing dentist since 1979, specializing in aesthetic and re-storative dentistry,...

Protecting Electronic Health Information as Part of HIPAA

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) calls for standards for administrative, physical,...

Simplifying Single-Stage Solid Abutments: Techniques for Impressioning and Temporization

Single-stage implants are being utilized more frequently. Currently, Straumann ITI, Lifecore Biomedical, Sulzer Paragon,...

Using Polyvinyl Impressions for Study Models: A Case Report

While alginate is a good impression material, utilization can demand ideal, sometimes restricting conditions...

How Home Care is Essential to Ensuring Successful Orthodontic Treatment Outcomes

t is important for the orthodontic practice to promote good oral home care by...

The Clinical Use of Night Guards: Occlusal Objectives

Are you looking for ways to provide better service for your patients? Set yourself...

Everyday Uses of Adult Orthodontics

Moving teeth has been a dental treatment modality for decades and was perhaps the...

Proper Use of Er:YAG Lasers and Contact Sapphire Tips When Cutting Teeth and Bone: Scientific Principles and Clinical Application

It is interesting to consider that dental education relies upon the concepts of classical...

My “High-Powereds”

A few weeks ago, my dental partner and I were both preparing 8-unit veneer...

How Dentists Are Judged by Patients

In the 18 years I managed a dental practice, I never once heard a...