Search for: practice management

Mastering Complete Care: The Other Skills You Need to Stay Ahead of the Curve

In the early days of your dental practice, you probably equated success with satisfying...

Adjunctive Orchestrated Orthodontic Therapy: A New Trend in Cosmetic Dentistry

The goal of appearance-related dental rehabilitation is the re-establishment of a healthy, maintainable, aesthetic,functional...

Where Have All the Technicians Gone?

“Where have all the technicians gone?” This is a question that we all may...

Technique and Materials for Obtaining Accurate Impressions in 60 to 90 Seconds

When treating patients who require indirect restorations (eg, full- and partial-coverage crowns, inlays, and...

The Aesthetic Edge A New Approach to Smile Design

Dentists who are experienced with cosmetic treatment know that subtle variations in the shapes...

Ensuring the Quality of Aesthetic Veneers With Digital Shade Analysis

In the September 2002 issue of Dentistry Today, I examined the importance color can...

A Review of Paresthesia in Association with Administration of Local Anesthesia

Local anesthetics allow dentistry to be practiced without patient discomfort. Serious complications associated with...

Aesthetic Restoration for Single-Tooth Implants: Multidisciplinary Approach

Many practitioners are uncomfortable about placing single-tooth implants in the anterior area for their...

A Review of the ADA Mercury Hygiene Recommendations

More than a decade ago, the ADA established recommendations for appropriate mercury hygiene within...

Dental Fear Aren’t You Tired of It?

Patient fear creates problems for both patients and dentists. First, there is the emotional...