Search for: practice management

From Root Canal to Art Form: Achieving Transcendence

How does any endeavor move from OK to good, from exceptional to elegant, and...

Managing Stress With Composite Resin, Part 1: The Restorative-Tooth Interface

Stress is an internal resistance to an externally applied load.1 When a load is...

Enamel Remineralization: The Medical Model of Practicing Dentistry

In the medical profession patients are generally treated 2 ways – either medically or...

The Role of Maxillary Development in Dental-Facial Aesthetics: Case Reports

The generation that vowed to stay young forever, the baby boomers, reached 78 million...

Uncovering Poorly Performed Cosmetic Dentistry: An All-Ceramic Case Report

From time to time, clinicians may encounter patients who present to their office after...

Aesthetic and Regenerative Oral Plastic Surgery: Clinical Applications in Tissue Engineering

Tissue engineering is defined as any attempt to facilitate regeneration of tissues in the...

Disease Prevention: Caries Risk Assessment

Is it possible to prevent cavities before they start? This is a complex question...

The Future of Dentistry: Interview With Harold C. Slavkin, DDS

Dentistry Today is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Dr. Harold C. Slavkin,...

Minimal Prep, Minimal Fuss: Direct Composite Bonding

LetÌs suppose that there is a mutual agreement between you and your patient that...

Rationale for the Utilization of Bonded Nonmetal Onlays as an Alternative to PFM Crowns

Patients are becoming more interested in restoring their teeth with tooth-colored restorations, and the...