Search for: dental clinics

Representative Infection Control Issues and Concerns

Photo: Getty Images Occupational Safety and Health Association requires provider and patient to wear...

An Elastomeric Impression Material Breakthrough

INTRODUCTIONPerhaps no procedure done on a routine basis in dentistry contains more uncertainty and...

Parenting and Cavities

A study, published in Caries Research (March), investigated early childhood caries (ECC) risk indicators...

The Winds of Change: New Paradigms in Dentistry

In an interview conducted by Dr. Damon Adams, Dentistry Today’s editor-in-chief, Dr. Gordon Christensen...

More Care Needed for Adult Patients With Cleft Lip/Palate

A greater number of specialized or centralized care options may be needed for adults...

Doctor, Why Wasn’t I Told This Before?

To set up the premise and discussion points for this article we will begin...

What’s Happening in the World of Electronic Records? Part 2

Last month we looked at some of the challenges facing the health professions, and...

Utilization Review and P4P: What Dentists Need to Know

Utilization review, statistically based, as defined by the ADA Glossary included in the Current...

Oral Manifestation of a Food Allergy: Case Report

Adverse reaction following the ingestion of a specific food is common for some people....

Dentistry Is a Game: Manage Patient Fear and Win

Every game in life contains two important components: opportunities and challenges. Dentistry is a...