12th Annual Ceramic Implantology Congress



The IAOCI annual congress is about to take place for the 12th consecutive year. This 2-day event will be held from April 13 through April 15 at the Westin Buckhead in Atlanta. There is an impressive roster of speakers who are some of the world’s foremost biomaterials experts, bioceramics industry leaders, and experienced clinicians in the field of ceramic implantology.


There will be workshops conducted by world class clinicians and published authors on clinical skills but also the implementation and business aspect of promoting and presenting ceramic implants in your practice. Metal-free implant dentistry expert researchers, and others committed to best practices in ceramic implantology will be on hand for open discussions at the end of each day in a moderated Q & A speaker forum.

These presentations, workshops, and speaker forums have been carefully selected and organized in order to deliver a scientific, evidence-based and above all a clinically relevant event for our attendees.

This is an excellent opportunity for you to familiarize yourself with a fast-growing aspect of dental implantology. You will meet and connect with like-minded industry players and though leaders at the forefront of improving the quality of oral implantology and health care. Don’t miss out. See you in Atlanta!

To register, please visit https://www.iaoci.com/iaoci-2023 (click on the red tab).